Deepika Padukone has replaced Kareena Kapoor Khan as the heroine in Shuddhi. This is not first time that Padukone gal has stepped into Bebo’s shoes in a movie. Apparently Karan Johar is keeping this news under wraps, now wethinks this is wise decision considering Kareena’s successful stint with Dharma Productions has hit all time low. Kareena was left huffing and puffing when one of the most awaited film of hers was delayed innumerable times thanks to Hrithik Roshan’s health at first and followed by work commitments. With the recent development we’re sure that Ms Kapoor Khan will turn green with envy.The war between the once number one heroine and the current Bollywood queen is taking interesting twists and turns
Apparently Hrithik had informed Kareena in advance about his exit from KJo‘s movie, Roshan Jr chose to work with Katrina Kaif in Bang Bang over reuniting with Kareena on screen after a decade. While both Johar and Karan Malhotra made announcements initially stating that the Agent Vinod heroine would remain an integral part of the film, Johar later did reveal that he couldn’t ask Kapoor gal to wait for his movie to start forever. What followed was unexpected for KKK, whose films with Farhan Akhtar Bombay Samurai was shelved.
Kareena had lost out on Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela and now we hear that once a frontrunner to play SLB’s Mastani in his film Bajirao Mastani, Kareena is no longer in the race. And if buzz is to be believed then Deepika might oust Bebo and become the heroine in
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